Gabriele Lobbia


Hey! I am currently a postdoc (Assegnista di Ricerca) in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Università di Bologna (Bologna, Italy), working with Fabio Zanasi.

Before that i was part of the Algebra Group in the Department for Mathematics and Statistics at Masaryk University (Brno, CZ) working with John Bourke. Even before that I was a PhD student supervised by Nicola Gambino at the School of Mathematics, University of Leeds. I defended my thesis “Pseudomonads, Relative Monads and Strongly Finitary Notions of Multicategory” in February 2022.

Here you can find my cv and my Google Scholar account.

My research interests are in category theory, with applications in logic, algebra and computer science. Usually, I work on/use low dimensional category theory (2-/3-dimensional). I enjoy to vary the topics of my research, so far I managed to work on things like: monad theory; Gray-categories; (skew) multicategories; (skew) monoidal structures; categorical logic (2-d injectivity, sketches).


I volunteer as social media manager for ItaCa, the Italian community of Category theorists.